From the 2022-2023 Mounds High School and Middle School Handbook
The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken devices. Electronic Devices may be used for personal use before and after school, during passing periods, and lunchtime. All calls must be made outside the school buildings unless cleared by a staff member. During instructional time, electronic devices are to be stored in the location specified by the classroom teacher (if you are concerned that the electronic device might be stolen, do not bring it to school). Use of electronic devices during instructional time without consent of the teacher will result in disciplinary action.
Cellphone policy specifics:
Devices will not be used during instructional time.
At NO time is it permissible for a student to take pictures, video and/or record activities at school without prior approval from the school administration.
Due to the device’s ability to take pictures or capture video, use of an electronic device in bathrooms and locker rooms is strictly prohibited.
When requested, a student is to give his/her electronic device to school personnel immediately.
Failure to Comply:
First Offense - Cellphone confiscated for the day. The student may retrieve his/her cellphone at the end of the day. The student will be assigned one day of ISP.
Second Offense – Cellphone is confiscated and will only be returned to the parent/guardian of the student. The student will be assigned 5 days of ISP.
Third Offense - Cellphone is confiscated and will only be returned to the parent/guardian of the student. The student will be suspended for 5 days.
Fourth Offense - Cellphone is confiscated and will only be returned to the parent/guardian of the student. The student will be suspended for 10 days.
Note: The principal has the discretion to implement any disciplinary action deemed appropriate for each violation.
From the Elementary School Student Handbook
Cell Phone Use of Elementary Students
With the age of PK-4th students, cell phones/electronic devices being brought to school is highly discouraged. We realize that in some circumstances cell phones need to be brought by students to communicate with family at the end of the day. Any cell phones/electronic devices brought to school will be checked in to the homeroom teacher at the beginning of the day and given back to the student at the end of the day. This will cut down on any distractions the cell phones/electronic devices may cause.
We realize that changes to practices related to cell phone use can be very important to teenage students. We expect it to be problematic until students get adjusted to the different approach. We appreciate your support and encouragement in helping us to move the habits of our students toward fewer distractions. While it is true that in the “real world” some jobs allow workers to use cell phones, with some limitations. Some work environments, however, can be very restrictive in their policies toward cell phones and their inherent distractions. We do not enter into this lightly, but feel that our students will benefit from fewer distractions in the learning environment, and will also benefit with some experience in experiencing environments that may be more restrictive than they would like.
Again, the driving force in our decision-making process is “what is best for the student”. We truly believe that student learning can and should improve with fewer classroom distractions.
Thanks again!
Doran Smith, Supt.
Jerry Hurst, Elem. Principal
Jonathan Clay, Middle School Principal
Steve Sturgeon, High School Principal